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初中生英语阅读中如何培养学生跨文化意识    发布时间:2019-03-25 23:26:47
毕 业 论 文(设 计)
论   文   题  目:    初中生英语阅读中如何培养学生跨文化意识      
姓            名:                                             
学            院:              外语与经管学院                     
专  业 、 班  级:                                    
指   导   教  师:                                           

Culture and language are inseparable. On the one hand, different cultures can influence the understanding of languages. On the other hand, language also can help us comprehend and control different cultures, especially in reading comprehension. If students want to learn English well, it’s not enough to control vocabulary; grammar and the skills of reading. In the course of learning English, teachers always ignore a key point——cross cultural awareness. According to the requirement of Compulsory Education English Curriculum Standard, teachers should train cross cultural awareness and develop intercultural communication competence in the course of teaching English. This paper deals with the importance of cross cultural awareness; experiencing culture; intercultural communication and so on. Knowing the importance of cross cultural awareness is good for inspiring learning interest and expending a series of cross cultural teaching. Experiencing culture can make students know more about cross cultural communication. Students can learn it by the experiences of themselves; Intercultural communication is the extension of cross cultural awareness. In this way, students can better apply theory to practice.
Key words: cross cultural awareness; intercultural communication; junior school students; reading
一、 引言..................................................... 1
二、文献综述.................................................. 1
三、跨文化意识的重要性........................................ 1
四、初中英语阅读中跨文化意识的培养............................ 3
4.1文化背景教学............................................ 3
4.2 情境教学............................................... 4
4.2.1 角色表演.......................................... 4
4.2.2 实物演示.......................................... 4
4.2.3 图像视频展示...................................... 5
4.2.4 设置问题情境...................................... 5
五、总结...................................................... 5
参考文献...................................................... 7


