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2012年全国各省中考英语作文及范文 发布时间:2019-06-09 10:29:00
(2012  北京)生活中每个人都有过与他人分享的体验,如分享一本有趣的书、一段难忘的经历、一个闪光的想法…现在,某英文报纸就分享(Sharing)话题征文,请你投稿。描述一次你与他人分享的经历并谈谈你的感受。
  I had an experience of sharing. When my family moved, I had to go to a new school and study in a new class. The first test made me so nervous that I failed. I got worried and felt helpless until one of my new classmates came up to me and ask softly if I was OK .After I told him about my problem ,he gave ma some advice. From then on, we got know each other and shared our ideas,problem,and helpless. We became good friends. Sharing with friends helped me bring back my confidence and fit in with others.
(2012  上海)Suppose you and Joe. Your friend Bitty is upset about a coming exam for she cares too much about the result. What do you think ?Try to offer her some advice.(假如你是JOE,你的好朋友BITTY以为太在意考试结果而感到焦虑。请给他写一封信。谈谈你的的看法,并给他一些建议)
(2012  天津)你的两位同学——芳芳和明明,参加了上个星期二学校组织的英语演讲比赛,他们的不同表现是你深有感触。请你根据下列表格写一篇英语短文。
芳芳:1.认为自己英语好,不需要努力,花费很多时间挑选比赛用的漂亮衣服 2.因准备不足,太紧张,而没完成演讲。  明明1.努力学习,向别人请教,赛清两天受伤,但不放弃。 2.在比赛中表现良好  我:应该向明明学习…
(2012  重庆)假如你有几位来自美国的交换生,他们打算周末步行去翠湖公园。请根据提示为他们写出前往的路线,并简介公园情况。
  Cuihu Park is not far from here .It's easy to get there .Just go straight and turn right at the first corner .Walk along the road and turn left when you find a hospital .Cuihu park is down the street on your right Across from the park is a restaurant .
  The park is really a good place to have fan .It's beautiful and cool with many trees and flowers .Your can swim,; play games or have a picnic there .It's very relaxing .You may also get  good chance to practice Chinese.I hope you will enjoy yourselves.
(2012  南京)上周日秦淮河边发生了张明救落水小男孩的事情,请根据一下四幅图所描述的事情经过,喂校刊的英语园地写一篇题为“A Brave Young man”的英语稿件
                   A Brave Young Man
  It was a nice day last Sunday.Zhang Ming was fishing by the Qinhuai river when a little boy went to play nearby. Suddenly,Zhang Ming heard someone shouting for help .He looked around and found that the little boy falling into the river.It was very dangerous .Zhang Ming jumped in to the river immediately .He tried hid best to pull the boy out of the river .At that time other people came to offer help .Finally the boy was saved and he was very grateful .People all said Zhang Ming was very brave and helpful .We should learn from him.
(2112广东)假如你是一名李明(Li Ming)的中学生,看了上述故事后,你想表达自己的看法。请你给栏目编辑写一封电子邮件,内容包括:1.你对其中哪个故事感兴趣?原因是什么?2.你对这个故事所提及的现象的看法。3.就该现象至少提出两条解决问题的建议。
One Possible version:
Dear Editor,
  I read the stories on BBC World Have Your Say toady .I am interested in Make's story,because in public either .In fact ,I really gei angry when jump the queue and smoke in non-smoking area.I think it's wrong to break the rules in public .In my opinion ,e should know us from being rude .If we can't stop them we can always ask the police or someone like that for help . 
                                                               Li Ming
(2012  广州)你是学校英文报的小记者李华。请你给校初三学生写一封公开榜,就如何保持考前健康提出建议。主要内容包括如下:1.早睡早起,保持充足睡眠2.饮食均衡,少吃垃圾食品3.多做体育运动4.你的其他建议
(2012  杭州)你的笔友SAMMY想了解你这两天的考试情况以及暑假安排。假如你是陈涛,请根据SAMMY在电子邮件中的提问,给他写回信。From:Sammy@wde.ac. uk  Subject:How are you ?Hi,how are you? I know you are busy with your english right now.How is it?And how was everything yesterday?,it will  be all over soon .What are you going to do during the summer vacation? And are you ready for your new school life? Please e-mail me and let me know.        Sammy
例文:Hi Sammy,
       Great to hear from you!Yes I'm OK with my English exam now because English is my favorite .I had a busy and tiring day yesterday but I was happy with the support from my family .Anyway ,I will be free after the exam .During the long summer vacation .I'll probably go to visit my relatives in the country and hang our with my friends .I'm looking forward to seeing my new school and making new friends.
       Hope you are well
                                                               Chen Tao
(2012  福州)2011年12月20日,,福州市被评为“全国文明城市”(Nation Civilized City)。你学校的English Club 正在举办以“文明福州,持续文明”为主题的征文活动。请你根据以下的内容提示及要求写一篇应征稿。
                  Civilized Fuzhou going on
We are glad that Fuzhou is now among the national cities .As students what shall we do to keep up the good work? First of all ,we should respect our teachers,parents and the old .Also,we ought to be polite and honest .Second it's always good to be kind ,friendly and helpful to others .Third we must obey traffic rules and mustn't cross the street when the traffic light are red.Last but not least ,it's important and necessary to help protect the environment .
  For example ,we shouldn't spit here and there or throw litter about.We'd batter not pick flowers or step on the grass.
  In short ,if everyone makes contributions,our city will be better and better.
(2012  苏州)假如你是一名初三学生,考上了理想的学校。今天是开学的第一天,请你根据下表所列的内容要顶,用英语写一篇日记,写下这一天的感受。
去校前 兴奋(原因自拟)担忧(原因自拟)
到校后 发现老师、同学友好 忘了紧张,感觉自在
离校时 不会在担心  相信会快乐
Monday,Spet.3                                                      Fine
  Today was the first day of my new life.I look at my new books and and checked everything for the new school year,I was excited as well as worried
  I was excited because I am a student of senior middle school now .I was worried because I didn't quite know about the teachers,students in this school .I was afraid that I could not fit it in well.
  When I got to school ,I found everyone was really sweet to me .Teachers were kind and ready to help us .I soon forgot my nervousness.I felt ai home .
  At the end of today,I felt and I belive I will have lots of fun ai this new school.
(2012  长沙)近年来,随着互联网的发展,结交网友成为中学生较为普遍的现象。请围绕话题来用英语谈谈你的看法。
(2012  武汉)假如上周日你参加了长江社区的Yard Sale 活动请你们学校校刊上的English Club栏目写一篇关于此次活动的介绍。要点如下:有200多人参加了这次活动;2.有的人出售旧物如:衣服、玩具、自行车等3.有的人还出售自制的蛋糕、卡片、书签等4.还有的人交换图书5.请写出一致两点你对此次活动的看法。
  It was fine last Sunday .I went to the Yard Sale in Cahngjaing Communtiy .more than 200 people took park in the activity .Some people sold used things such a bikes ,toys and clothes .Other sold cakes,card,and bookmarks made by themselves.Used book could be exchanged.We can not only make full use of used things,but also protect our environment in this way.
How often     with whom   when   where   what   2012年全国各省中考英语作文及范文 shopping
When you want to buy something experience(e.g.an MP4 player),what will you do? Do you like shopping online ?Why or why not?
例文:I'm a junior school student from Jiangxi .In my spare time ,I like shopping There is a supermarket in my town .Lots of things are being sold there.So I often go there with my mother to buy school things,food and drinks. Of course,sometimes I want to buy something experience.An MP4 player is what I want most,but can't afford it now .I'm going to work for an English club during this summer holiday and make some money for it .We teenagers should not always ask our parents for money.As for shopping online I like it because things there are much cheaper and I don't need to walk to the shops ,which helps me save time.No matter where to shop ,I enjoy it because it's really relaxing.
I think going to school on foot is good for us.First of or walking to school is a wonderful way to exercise and it's good for health ,it's fun to walk together with friends every day. We can talk about something interesting and know each other better .What's mo if we walk,our parents won't have to drive us to school.There will be fewer cars in the city.More walking and less driving helps to make our city cleaner.The streets won't be as crowed as they are now .I hope more students will go to school on foot.
(2012 南宁)初中的生活即将结束了。请你以“How I Change"为题,写一篇短文,描述你这三年里前后的变化。写作要点包括外貌、兴趣爱好、行为习惯等方面。
  My life has changed a lot in the past three years.I was fat and short when I came to the middle school .At that time I was interested in computer games and I spent most of time on it.My parents were worried about me .Now I like sports and I often play basketball with my classmates after school.So I become taller and stronger than before .I like reading,too.I usually go to the library to read some interesting books.Good habits help me to study better and keep healthier.My parents and my teachers are both pleased with me .
(2012 贵阳)假如你是Hilltop School的Lin Tao同学,在你成长的过程中,家人们一直为你默默地付出,请你以“I Love my family ”为题,为English Study写一篇征文,表达你对家人么的感激之情。
(2012 河南)目前有不少历史剧在热播。有人通过看历史剧来了解历史,有人选择读历史书来了解历史。你选择的理由是什么?请你根据以下内容写一篇英语短文。
选择 理由
看历史剧       情节有趣、通俗易懂
读历史书       资料真实、引人深思
你的选择             ?
Many historical plays have been on TV recently.Some people like watching historical TVplays to know about history .They think they are interesting and easy to understand .Both the old an the young will have a lot of fun watching them .Some other people think another way to learn about history is to is to read books on history.They believe books can tell them the true stories .They can learn and think a lot from them while reading .I like watching historical TV players because they make relaxed and save me much time.
(2012  山西)现在,社会上补习机构火爆,在各种媒体上,我们经常可以看到“名师名校”、“个性化教学”、“终极押题”“秒杀中考”等广告词。你相信这样的宣传么?为此,你所在的学习小组针对这一社会现象,围绕“课余时间我们更应该更多地去做什么才能够额到全面的发展”展开了讨论。最终大家形成了以下的观点:a waste of time or money…more time to read, do sports or take social activities…became more creative…
例文:It seems that many students to go to take after-school classes, but it just a waste of time and money.I used to go to different kinds of these classes,too.But later I realized I could not do that any more .I began to spend more time reading ,doing sports and taking some social activities.Meanwhile,I did not fall behind others in study.I prefer to have time to enjoy the nature .It's a wise way to know about the world .So I often put my spare time to good use by watching animals,plants,rock,.....around my city.I still remember that day I went to the Forest Park this spring!And I found a few plants appearing in my biology books .It offered me an opportunity to deepen my understanding of my textbooks.Learning by using is a real practice.I have benefited a lot from it .Now I am becoming more creative and confident than those who are are always involved in taking after-school classes.
(2012 陕西)同学们,我们身边有很多助人为乐的同学,他们的事例值得我们学习。请根据下面表格信息个学校英文报写一篇报道,号召他们想他们学习。
Who they are What they usually do to help others
Liu  Na Make our school beautiful (clean....)
Zhang Hua Help other students with their studies.....
Wu Dong Help the people in trouble (cheer others up.......)
Dear Editor,
  In our school some students are always thinking more of others and ready to help them.I'm moved deeply.Here is what they usually do.Liu Na is a very good students.She often picks up rubbish and cleans the classroom to make our school more beautiful .Zhang Hua studies well.So she often helps other students with their studies.We all like her Wu Tong is outgoing.He likes cheering others up.If we are sad ,he always talks with us and tries to make happy.He is also helpful.He likes helping who are in trouble. He is very popular in our school.I hope people everyone can learn from them and do something for others .
(2012 兰州)学校作业多,学生先负担重;学校作业少,家长又担心的不得了。参考表格中所提供的信息,用英语写一篇70~90词的文章,谈谈你对这一现象的看法或态度,并明确阐明你的观点。
家长、老师 学生
多做习题,巩固所学知识 作业多,没时间运动,身体弱
多做练习,提高成绩 作业太多,厌学
如果作业少,学生贪玩(电脑游戏,电视等) 特别是周末作业多,没时间培养兴趣爱好
……………… ………………
  My people think the more time is spent,the more work will be done.So students have to spend the whole day doing school work except three meal.It is common to see students struggling in a sea of school work both ai school and at home.Modern students usually have many interests.They love music and sports.They like reading and watching TV.Especially,a two--day weekend can get them away from too much homework.but they have no time to enjoy themselves.Students are really tired of their weekend homework.So they usually don't do their weekend homework until Sunday night.And there is not enough time but much work,students have to finish it carelessly.The poor weekend homework makes teachers angry.Things alwanys get worse without right ideas .too much homework makes students lose interest in learning .It's also bad for their health .A horse runs faster after a rest.But for students only rest is not enough .So much a condition should be changed to give students both pleasure and knowledge.Please give students less home less homework but leave them more free time.
(2012 乌鲁木齐)初中的学习即将结束,新的高中生活将要来到。假如你是李明,请你用英文呢给你的班主任Miss Zhang写一封信,讲述你初中生涯中的一两件让你感动或遗憾的事情,同时告诉他对于即将到来的生活你所做出的简单计划。
Dear Miss Zhang,
  How time flirs! My life in junior school will come to an end soon.Life was happy in the past three years but one bad thing in my mind is that I failed an important exam last year.I didn't prepare for the exam because I played computer games too much those days ,which made my parents and you upset and worried .I will never forget that day when you talked with me face to face .It's a pity that I failed an exam but I am happy that I learned a lesson from this failure with your help .That is no pains,no gains .Hard work leads to success and no one can have harvest without any effort .Therefore ,I will study harder than ever.I won't waste my valuable time any more.Best wishes!
                                                                 Li Ming
(2012  呼和浩特)假如你是赵铭,你班来自美国的交流学生Robert患病住院已有三周,请你用英文发一封电子邮件,主要内容包括—询问病情—介绍班级近期活动或学习情况—表达祝愿。
Dear Robert,
  How are you felling now?(Are you felling better now?)We all miss you very much .Recently we have had many activities .We took part in the sports meeting in our school and won the first prize..The matches were exciting and tough .But we tried our best and got the good result.What a pity! You didn't watch them .I hope you'll get well soon and come back earlier .We're busy preparing for the singing competition now.we practice a song every day in order to sing best .Remember to have a good rest and don't worry about your lessons.I will help you with them .best withes.
                                                              Zhang Ming
The summer vacation is coming soon.We will have a two-month holiday After a tiring school year,I'm going to relax myself .I will spend my vacation with my grandparents.I will stay with them for about three weeks .Of course,I'm going to help them do some homework.Perhaps we will take some short trips.Besides,I'm going to visit it some of my friends and relatives.I think we will have a happy time together.What's more,I will be a senior students in a new term,so I am going to make some preparations.
(2012  安徽)英语课堂上,老师要求学生就“与人相处”的话题展开小组讨论。请根据以下你所在的小组的讨论结果,以“How to get on well with others”为题,写一篇短文。
Suggestions ●learn to share
●communicate with each other
My suggestions         ……
                             How to get on well with others
  As we know ,students should learn how to get on well with others.But in what ways?First of all,we should respect others.Everybody has their own way to do things,so we should understand each other .Beside,it is important for us to communicate with each other and share our happiness and sadness.What's more ,we should be kind to others and offer necessary help to those who are in trouble.In my opinion,we should treat others in a honest way.Only in these ways can we get along well.
(2012  黄冈)随着网络的发展,人们的消费观念的转变,购物方式也在悄然改变。“网购”成为一种时尚,越来越多的学生也正加入到网购群体当中。请你根据以下表格的提示,写一篇网上购物的文章。
  1. 足不出户、节约时间、避免拥挤、劳累
  2. 价格通常较为便宜
  3. 可供选择的范围广,品种多
缺点 1只看到图片,看不到商品本身
With the development of the Internet,many people are used to shopping on line .It has become a fashion in our daily life.Some of us students also join the group .Shopping on line has many advantages.Just by a click.of the mouse ,you can buy what you are interested in without going outdoors.you can avoid getting tired and being trapping in the crowed people and cars and save time.when shopping on line,you can choose from more varieties of goods,whose prices are obvious ,too.On one hand it's very easy for you to buy goods different from the pictures you see on the Internet.On the other hand ,shopping on line may cause people to buy goods that are not badly needed .That's a waste of money.All in all,I love shopping on line.
(2012 沈阳)人生就像漫画,充满喜怒哀乐,时而恐慌,时而陷入沉思。请你以“I like to be ____”为题,写篇短文,叙述与上面漫画表情有关的一段故事或经历步骤与要点如下:1.确立主题,并在文中说明原因2.围绕主题,进行叙述3.简述一段与主题有关的故事或经历。
                        I like to be happy
  Life is  colorful picture full of different felling .I'd like to be happy because happiness is important to everyone.I have an unforgettable experience to share with you.Last Sunday my parents gave me some pocket money and with the money I bought some books instead of snacks.The next day I took the books to school .After lunch,I showed the books to my classmates and we read together.We learned a lot from the interesting books .Both reading and sharing made me happy .How I wish I were happy every day in my life.
(2012 烟台)假如你们学校正在开展研究性学习(exploring learning strategies),请你根据下表提供的信息,写一篇短文,让更多的学生了解你校开展研究性学习的一些情况。
  过去 现在
课堂 老师讲解知识点,学生听讲,记笔记,没有足够的时间独立思考问题。 老师提出问题,学生相互讨论,并会与他人合作,从而找出解救问题的方法
课后 课后 丰富多彩的课外活动。如:读自己喜欢的书,去图书馆或上网查资料等
个人感受 …………  
Great changes have taken place in our studies since our school began to carry on exploring learning strategies .In the past ,teacher kept on explaining the language points in class.We students just listened and took some notes.So we didn't have enough time to think about problem by ourselves/independently.We had to do much homework after class.But now teachers show the problems to us first,then we discuss them for a while in pairs or group.We try to find out the ways of solving problems,through which we're learnt how to work/study/cooperate with others .After class,we can read books we like ,go to the library or surf the Internet for useful information and soon.In a word ,now we are the owners of our study and we're happy.
(2012 潍坊)假如你是大明,你的笔友给你来信了。请阅读一下来信,并根据内容写一封回信。
Dear Daming,
  I'd like to tell you something about my "important gift".It was a beautiful smile.
  When I was nine years old ,I went to a new school .As a result ,no one knew who I was. I felt lonely. When one day when I sat at my desk unhappily as usual,a girl walked to me and smiled .
  Though she said no words felt the touch of something bright and friendly and it made me fell happy and warm again.After that she became my good friend.
  As me all know,everybody may feel lonely or be in trouble.Could you tell me something about your "important gift "that touched you or changed your life?
Dear Susan,
  Thanks for your last letter.What is my “important gift”?It's a sandy.When I was five,my mom went shopping with me.But we couldn't find each other at last.I had to stand on the roadside and waited with tears in my eyes .It was so long that I felt very helpless.At that time a woman came up to me and gave me a candy .At once I didn't fell afraid any more.With her help I got back home finally.Though a candy is small and cheap,it made me fell happy and warm.
                                                           Best wishes,
(2012 河北)假如你叫李华,请你就“英语老师用英语还是用英汉双语教学”这一问题根据下面的提示和要求,给你的老师Miss Lin写一封信,谈谈你的看法。
提示(1)What's your idea?(2)Why do you think so?(3)What' your advice?
Possible version 1 ,
Dear Miss Li,
  I think you'd better use English in class.When you speak English,we'll have a good chance to improve our listening kills.It is also helpful for our reading,speaking and writing .We can copy what you say all the time .The more chances we have,the more progress we will make!So I hope you can teach in English But please use simple English as much as possible and speak clearly and slowly.This way,we can learn English better and better.Hopefully you can think about it.Best wishes!
                                                                 Li Hua
Possible version 2,
Dear Miss Li,
  I think you'd better use both English and Chinese.The best way to learn English is to use it .When you teach in English,it's good for our listening.At the same time it is helpful to improve our speaking,reading and writing.However,if you only use English,we can't follow you sometimes,especially when you explain grammar rules and language points.So my advice is“Use English when possible and use Chinese when necessary”.This way,we can learn English better.Hopefully you can think about it.Best wishes!
                                                     Li Hua
(2012 成都)英语课上,我们时常,进行小组活动。但如何能让这种活动帮助我们把英语学得更好?现在,请根据以下要点,以“How Can Group Activities Help Us Study English Better?”为题,写一篇短文,谈谈自己的看法。1.活动的额任务及完成方式要明确2.小组内要有不痛的角色分工,要合作3.教师的必要帮助4.活动结果要在班上分享
               How Can Group Activities Help Us Study English Better?
In English class,we often have group activities.But how can the activities help us study English better?First,we must make it clear  is for each group and how it should be done .Second,each group member must play a different role and whole group should cooperate well.At the same time,teachers should offer necessary help to each group during activities.Finally,the activity results must be shared in class because they are our achievements.
  In this way,we will probably study English better.


下一篇:2012 年全国各地中考作文汇编(23篇)