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江苏高考英语作文预测 发布时间:2019-06-11 15:49:56

1.      这三年高中你有哪些变化?你是否为进入大学做好了准备?请以过来人的身份给学弟学妹们介绍你自己。
Goodafternoon, my dear junior students. I feel privileged to share with you myexperience in my high school and my infinite anticipation towardsmy university life.
The biggestchange I underwent during my high school is that I become more matureand well-rounded both in my personality and my perspective towardslife. Before I went to high school, I tend to view things in a unilateral and simpleway, failing to see the correlations between things andthus making numerous stupid mistakes. However, the knowledge and experience Iaccumulated during my high school taught me to cope with people and things ina more calm and composed manner, thus avoiding potential risks and wrongdecisions.
As for myexpectation of my university life, I will firstly choose my ideal major andthen takegreat pains in absorbing relevant knowledge and skills neededin my life-long career. Secondly, I will try out for one or two clubs to expandmy social network and pursue my hobby. That’s all.Thanks. (169 words)
课标话题二:家庭、朋友和周围的人 (12年江苏卷已经考过了)
Conflicts with others are common ineveryday life. During the basketball game yesterday afternoon, Su Hua and LiJiang bumped into each other, trying to catch the ball. Thenthey started shouting and yelling, and it turned into a horrible quarrel.
To be honest, it was Su’s fault but Liwas also to blame—they werenot calm enough and both said some really mean things. They cared toomuch about winning and losing. As a matter of fact, blocking, pushing and bumpingare just part of a tough game.
To avoid such conflicts, we should bekind to one another, which is essential to enjoying a
harmonious life. It is also avirtue to forgive and forget, especially in such a competitive andstressful society. Instead of blaming each other, we shouldcommunicate more and put ourselves in others’ place. Don’tbe self-centered and try to be considerate. We must learn tohandle conflicts calmly and wisely. (158 words)
2.      你们学校准备修建一个体育场或者图书馆,征求建议,请选择一种说明理由。
I gofor the choice of building a library on our campus. Reasons are asfollows.
Firstly, asthe saying goes, reading is to our mind is what sports are to our physical body.A library will provide us with a wide range of books, through which we can gaina sharp insight and establish a solid knowledge base. In contrast,building a sportsground can only strengthen our physique, butour mind. Secondly, our existing library is so shabby and poorly equippedthat renovation seems to be impossible. During the rainy season, there is asevere leakage on the roof and the drops of rain will make thebooks wet and humid, thus causing mold to grow and disgusting smell to cover thelibrary. Our current playground, however, is spacious and fully equipped.What’s more, it was renovated three years ago, thus making rebuildingtotally unnecessary. Were a new library with modern equipment built, our infrastructurewill be greatly improved and students are the ultimate beneficiaryofthis undertaking. (169 words)
William Shakespeare
Do you know Hamlet? Have you read The Merchant of Venice? These two great works are 
both written by William Shakespeare, my favorite English writer and the man of all ages!
Shakespeare, a son from a poor family, a man of little education, wrote plays and poems thatare read all over the world, I like him because his comedies and tragedies bring me into afantastic world; 
I love him because his poems let me
 enjoy the beauty of the English language; I admire him because his keen sights set me thinking and teach me how to lead a meaningfullife!

Since “Life is a stage”, we are actually all actors and actresses. On this stage, everyone had his own role to play and I will try my best to play my role well.
   Today,our class went out for a spring outing. As a special activity, we chose toclimb up the famous the city’s mountain to build up our physique and booststudents’ morale.
 At first, everyone enjoyed the beautifulscenery along the hillside. Unfortunately, however, as we reached the top of themountain, we found wastes and rubbish were thrown everywhere. Without anyhesitation, we picked up the litters and collected them in plastic bags. Afterwards,we put the sorted trash into the recycling and non-recycling bins at the footof the mountain.
Though we failedto fulfillour initial intention, this collecting rubbish activity greatlynurtured our awareness of environmental preservation and cultivateus into responsible and sensible citizens.
My Teacher Mr. Moore
Of all my teachers, Mr. Moore isthe one who impresses me most, Though he is 34,he looks very young for his age.And he’s one of the most popular teachers in our school. Compared with otherteachers ,Mr. Moore attaches great importance to his way of teaching .He triesvarious ways to make his classes lively and interesting .In his opinion, weshould not only know what, but also understand why. So ,instead of giving usanswers immediately, he encourages us to think by ourselves whenever he putsforward questions. With his help. we’ve learned how to analyze and settleproblem. What a wonderful world of why he leads us to!
He is sucha learned person that we all admire hem very much.
I reallylove the writing class from my teacher—Mrs. Jonson. From my perspective, she isa genius in teaching and greatly rekindles our interest in learning. 
Take essaywriting for instance, to writing a beautiful essay, as Mrs. Jonson puts it,you should first take in various reading materials. For instance, to write a storyabout pets. Mrs. Jonson would firstly introduce us with diverse interesting storiesabout cats, dogs and even snakes. Then, she would analyze the episode and the beautifullanguage for us to absorb and digest. Afterwards, we are asked to callback our favorite pets and interesting stories which had happenedto them. Later, we would utilize the beautiful language we acquired beforehand tocreate our own story. Finally, storing sharing and rating would take place andwe would vote for our favorite. Of course, a little price wouldgo to the winner from Mrs. Johnson.
7. 据说新课改后,实行走班制(没有固定班级,可以选老师),你的看法是?
I applaudthis practice of rotating class where there is no fixed classroom but students getthe autonomy to choose their own teachers.
Firstly, Studentscan freely select lecturers based on their interests and teachers’ capability. Studentswould learn more efficiently with their chosen teachers. However, themost disturbing problem remains that some students can choose lazylecturers so that they can pass the exams without much effort. Therefore, a supervisionsystem should be in place to prevent this kind of things fromhappening.
Secondly, students’chance to befriend like-minded people will be greatly promoted.Because they choose the same course, chances are that they share the sameinterest and hobby. Therefore, students will exchange opinions and formtheir own workshop. This, of course, will expand their social circle andeven establish their life-long friendship.  
Therefore, Ifirmly stand for this practice and hope it will quickly catch on among schools.(151 words) 
8. 当你的业余爱好和学习发生矛盾时,你是否会直接放弃爱好?如何恰当处理?举例说明理由。
I would definitelychoose to strike a balance between my interest and academicpursuit. But how?
Once I was deeplyhooked by calligraphy. I would practice it for three hours onend that I failed to do my math homework. As a result, my mathgrade ended up 12 scores below the average. At that time, I realized it washigh time I took action. I firstly consulted my math teacher for the weakpoints I need to make up for. And then by setting aside two hours each day inthe evening to perform my math task, I managed to catch up on my weakness. Asto calligraphy, I would refrain myself from doing it nomatter how much I wanted to. This way, my math score bounced back.
Therefore, fixa time for your academic pursuit and stick to that time slot. As aform of recreation, your hobbies can come after you perform your academic work. 
9. 有人说,读书应该有选择地读自己感兴趣的书;有人说,读书要博览群书;还有人说,现在的好书很少,要读专家推荐的书。你怎么看?举例说明理由。
As thefamous philosopher Francis Bacon puts it, reading makes a full man. Asto what kind of books we should be exposed to, opinions differ.
My personalview is to read those books which do interest you. For example, you may be abig fan of Harry Potter. Therefore, nothing can be more enjoyable thanpicking up J.K Rolling’s Harry Potter series. Reading the so-called classics,on the other hand, would only bore you to death. Moreover,those recommended by experts might be too profound for us generalreaders to understand. 
Once, Iread a book recommended by my uncle, a physics professor. It was StevenHawking’s The Brief History of Time.My goodness! This experience nearly killed me, for it was extremely difficultfor a liberal art student like me to understand black holes and protons. Iimmediately gave up and turned to love story like Pride and Prejudice.  
Therefore, neverbe taken in by the so-called experts’ recommendation. Trust yourinterest and follow your heart when reading. (words 170)
I believegood listening is the best virtue we should be blessed with.Good listening can always show respect,promote understanding, and improve interpersonal relationship. Many peoplesuggest that parents should listen more to their children, so they willunderstand them better, and find it easy to narrow the generation gap; teachersshould listen more to their students, then they can meet their needs better,and place themselves in a good relationship with their students; studentsshould listen more to their classmates, thus they will help and learn from eachother, and a friendship is likely to be formed. What I want to stress is thateach of us should listen more to others. Show your respect and never stopothers till they finish their talk; show you are interested by a supportivesilence or a knowing smile; be open-minded to differentopinions even though you don’t like them. In a word,good listening can really enable us to get closer to eachother. 
On behalfof our community, I will organize a citywide music festival inviting renownedsingers in my city to perform in our community center.
Firstly, Iwould appoint a manager who can help me contact all those prestigious musicians andsingers in our city, informing them that all the entrance fee we collect wouldgo to the charity. Secondly, I would turn to the advertising company to makeeye-catching posters and put them up in all the bulletin boards inthe community. Also, through instant communication tools like WeChat and QQ, Iwould call on the help of the volunteers to decorate the center and keep orderso that no accident like stamping and terrorism attackswould occur. Lastly, I would enlist the help of musicinstrument center to rent their instruments to us. Only by seeking support fromall sides will this music festival a huge success. (Word 148)
12. 学生生涯中,总会遇到让你喜怒哀乐的事情,请问如何合理对待消极情绪,如:悲观,恐惧,失落,紧张。
13. 礼仪的重要性(etiquette)
From the perspective of individual citizens, etiquette is the embodiment of a persos political consciousness, moral accomplishment, mental outlook and levelsof education. A job hunter with good etiquette standsa big chance to stand out in the job interview. A student who ispolite and well-mannered is more likely to win respect and love from teachersand his peers.  From the viewpoint of a country or a nation, etiquette is a significant indication of a nations 
social outlook, moral standards, level of civilization, characteristics of culture and qualities of its citizens. Acase in point is that when we travel in other countries, it ishighly required that we should not spit, shout or yell in public areas for howwe behave and act will determine the imagine of our country. Therefore education in etiquette amongstudents is of vital importance.(Word 144)
14. 如何向别人表示感谢?并谈谈及时向帮助你的人表示感谢的重要性。
15. 如何维持一个和谐的校园秩序,杜绝各种不文明现象,例如:校园欺凌、乱扔垃圾、穿着暴露等?
How tobuild a harmonious campus where there is no bullying, littering andbare shoulders. Firstly, I believe a massive campaign should belaunched among students which is split into different activities. For example,a debate competition can take place to discuss the pros and cons ofconstructing a civilized campus. In another case, a dress code can be issued oncampus which involves both students and teachers. A perfect exampleshould be set and followed in a consistent way. Last butnot least, good virtues such as frugalness should beadvocated among on campus. Students can try not to order more food than theyactually need and try to eat up what they have ordered. They should be courageto recycle many old things. For example, old books may be donated instead ofbeing thrown away. Also, everyone should regard wasting thing as shameful. As longas all of us take action, waste will be considerably reduced. (word 157)
16. 人生充满了各种未知和可能性,你如何看待它们?
Life isfull of uncertainties and possibilities. If you are to achieve something orintend to fulfill one of your ambitions, you must work hard, make efforts andget prepared. You should see these uncertainties and possibilities asopportunities to learn and progress. Otherwise, you will take no advantage of opportunities when they come along. Take Jack Ma for instance,when the world of internet seems to be far away from our life, he sees potential commercial values in it and creates Alipay and Alibaba, the biggeston-line shopping system in China. In my opinion, there are plenty of chances inthese uncertainties for everyone, but only those who are well prepared and highly qualified can make use of them to achieve their goals. Therefore,stay optimistic and proactive when you are at a loss. God only helps thosehelping themselves. (Word 141)
17. 学校里的一些俱乐部近期组织学生周末充当交警或清洁工,你的看法?
Actingas a cop or cleaner can give young people an opportunity to learn skills andgain life experience, which school or university cannot provide. Students whohave acted in these roles are more capable of working independently, andthey tend to work better with colleagues from different backgrounds. They willfeel they are ready to face challenges in the future. Taking on real jobs ismore than just experiencing life and stepping in others’ shoes. It is also a time for personal growth anddevelopment, learning new skills and seeing life in a different way. However, a delicate balance should be stricken between weekend jobs and students’academic study. Moreover, it would be even better if credits can be given byschools providing that students fulfill their role responsibly and wholeheartedly. (Word 132).
18. 你的朋友刚上高中,不知道如何向别人寻求建议和帮助,请你给出建议。
Asking for help can be difficult. Some feel like it will bruisetheir ego to askfor help, while others are just too shy or feel awkward. Learn to take thepressure off yourself and ask for what is needed. You'll save yourself from stress andgain more time.
Firstly, you need to put forward your request in a polite andpleasant manner. Polite languages such as ‘thank you’ and ‘please’ are highlyrequired. Secondly, you need to articulate what you want others to do for you or where you need help most.For example, you may run into a difficult math problem and you are at a loss atwhich function to apply to address this problem. Then, you can ask your peersto give you some hint. This way, you will immediately get to the point and havethe problem fixed. Lastly, remember to say ‘thank you all the same’ even thoughothers may fail to help you out. (162 Words)
19. 传统的节假日,如春节,端午节,人们有各种活动,例如旅游、和家人、朋友团聚,看电影,也有在家不远游等,你喜欢进行什么活动?谈谈理由。
TheSpring Festival
I preferto do all sorts of the traditional things in the Spring Festival because theyare an excellent way to preserve our culture and link ourheritage. Beforethe Spring Festival, I would help my parents clean our house, put up redcouplets on our gates, and set off firecrackers. According to the Chinesefolklore, the crack sound from the fireworks will driving a demon, named Nianaway.    
On the eveof the Spring Festival, being reunited with our family members and aget-together banquet is a must, and the most popular food is Dumpling, which issupposed to bring good fortune. On the first day of the New Year, I will wearnew clothes and greets relatives and friends with bows and congratulationswishing each other lucky during the New Year.
Performingthese annual routines, in my eyes, enables us to form a bondwith ourfamily and neighbors, establish a sense of belonging and finding out who we are. (word 162)
20. 社会现象:购物前,看看网上评价;购物后,会在网上发表自己的看法,例如点赞。这在某种趋势上引导人们是否购物并且对商家产生了影响。你的看法如何。
It is not uncommonfor consumers to browse their needed items and check others’ comment towardsthe products. After their shopping, people can give the seller thumb-ups if the goods are to their taste, and vice versa. In my eyes, this practice really exerts a deep influence on the onlinesellers and buyers alike.
Firstly, the onlinemerchants will keep on polishing up the quality of their service as well asproducts, for comments from the buyers are a prominent index for their survivingand thriving. Secondly, viewingother buyers’ comment will definitely cast light on potential buyers’ knowledgeon the product, thus enabling them to make more sensible decisions and avoid fraudor cheat. Thirdly, itsaves the watchdog agency much trouble since customers will be assured of quality and onlinemerchants can be rewarded with a good reputation, therefore saving muchresource and cost on the government side.
That said, I stronglyapplaud this practice.  (word 154) 
21. 现代人对科学饮食要求越来越高,但时常还有饮食中毒或肥胖症等出现,请围绕科学饮食来写篇文章。(卫生;过期;营养;浪费;合理)
Eating a healthy,balanced diet is important for sustained energy and illness prevention. Eatinghealthy is not about cutting calories or strict dieting; it's about ensuringyour body gets the nutrients it needs to thrive.
Avoidcutting calories, but do notconsume too much. Healthy and active adults need approximately 2,000 calories aday. The more exercise you do, the more calories you need. Use a daily caloriecalculator to determine how many calories you need each day.
Add fruitsand vegetables to every meal, and even to snacks. For example, add bananas to your cereal atbreakfast, eat a salad and an apple with lunch and have tomatoes and cannedpeaches with your dinner. This can help you get the recommended three to five(or more) servings of fruits and vegetables. (word 132)
Try newfoods. Make an effort topick out something new at the grocery store every week. Browse the producesection and choose a fruit you have never had before. This can help give you ahealthier, more balanced diet so you're not eating the same things all thetime.
Check yourportions. More appropriateportions can make a huge difference. One way to check portions is to read thenutrition label and see the recommended serving size.
Cut outexcess sugars, salts, caffeine and alcohol. These (in excess) are toxic to the body and will deplete nutrients. Eata healthy well balanced diet and enjoy your foods and drinks containing thesetoxins in moderation only, or cut them out altogether.
Clean yourhome of junk food. If it isn'tthere you are less likely to eat it, especially at nighttime. When you are ableto cut out junk foods (sugary, salty snacks) you will eat what is available inyour home, which should be healthy choices such as fruits, vegetables,pretzels, and crackers.
Balanceyour diet with proteins and carbohydrates. Include meats, beans and fish for protein. Avoid cutting outcarbohydrates, as you need these for energy. Fruits, vegetables, whole grainsand pasta contain needed carbohydrates.
    2.        听力有一段漫长的试音时间,赶紧先做单选。如果有题目不确定,空在那个地方。听力试音结束,开始报:“听力考试正式开始”赶紧放下自己手中的活,自己审5个短对话的题目!审题目的主谓宾,定状补。时刻问自己2个问题:“它在问自己什么?”“怎样答才能回答它的问题?”
  3.        考官提示只有15分钟就要交卷了,放下一切手中没有做完的题目,赶紧把确定的题目去填涂答题卡,千万看清楚你拿的是A卡还是B卡。题号如何分布的,切记按照它规定的题号来填涂。
 单选、完型考到熟词癖意了。不要慌,告诉自己,这个只有3-4分,我不会,大家都不会。单选、完型考到了动词短语或者介词短语,在2个选项中纠结不定的时候,可以回忆起自己以前刷题时,被自己纠结短语的含义,然后一个一个往题目里面套,看哪个最合适。比如去年苏锡常镇二模考到了get over 表示克服某种负面情感的含义。当时,龚露在纠结是选get through还是get over的时候,突然灵光乍现了2012年江苏卷的第一题是get over the desire这个短语。Desire在该短语中是一个负面情感词,满足条件,于是果断选get over.
如果是介词短语,就关注重心名词。比如in defense of 就关注defense , in preparation for,就关注preparation 然后代进去,看哪个通。当然,临考前再去背诵一下很偏的短语,比如at length(详细地), in place(到位), out of question (等于no problem) , out of thequestion (等于no way).考前记得再记忆下比较偏的介词短语!
2.阅读广告和科普真的可以直接划定位词,三句读,再寻找同义替换。不信,直接拿04-15年11年间江苏省的高考试题做实验。但是小故事,社会现象还有文学评论类的你们必须先划定位词再凌波微步读文章,再去把高考英语阅读点线网全突破一书中的五大微读、十大标点看一下,并且务必读文章的时候记得关注实词!比如I am greatly amazed by hiswonderful performance. 此句中,重点关注I, greatly, amazed, wonderful, performance,这几个实词,直接读过去,迅速译中文:“我被他精湛的表演折服了。”
1.     优先排除极端化选项和与常理相矛盾的选项

The foodoffered by the canteen is completely free for students.
You maybuy food at a lower price if you show your student card when dining in thecanteen. 
大家看,A 有completely这一极端用词。而且学生去食堂吃饭不要交钱。很明显与常理相矛盾。而B选项有温和一词may,且学生可以凭学生证打折这点也与常理相符。
2.     优先排除与文章中心相矛盾的选项

2013年江苏卷的第67题D选项 Twain suspected that theslaves were less intelligent. 文章中心再说马克吐温反对奴隶制,应该是同情黑人。自然而然就不会觉得黑人智商低了。所以,我们只要确定了文章中心,在不知道选哪个的情况下,可优先排除与文章中心相矛盾的选项。
3.     优先排除与题干要求相矛盾的选项
62. Whichfact is mentioned to support aviation experts’ doubt about the effectiveness ofthe black box?
A. MH370’sblack box holds flight data that might explain what happened to the aircraft.
B. Therecorders are actually orange in color though referred to as black boxes.
C. Thebeacon in the black box has limited battery power to send out a signal for 30days.
D. It’snecessary for people to wake up to the weaknesses of the black box.
题干问的是哪个选项可以支持专家对于黑匣子有效性的怀疑。让专家怀疑的肯定是黑匣子的缺陷,于是我们要选的这个选项会揭露黑匣子的缺陷,应该是个不好的选项。A里面的might explain 中性,排除;B里面的orange黄色,中性,排除;D里面的wake up to weaknesses意识到缺点是好事,褒义,排除。C选项的limited battery power表示电池使用寿命短,贬义,符合。所以答案选C。
  写作卷面务必工整!不要随意涂改!其次,写作每段第一句话,务必保证词汇语法使用正确,务必保证颜值高!所谓词汇、语法使用正确指的是书写正确,搭配使用正确,语法使用正确。首先,书写正确,就是你的单词一定要拼对!不信,你们现在写写comparison, unbelievable, souvenir等肯定有人拼错。如果没有把握拼对,就用其单词的同义词来代替。比如comparison 用contrast, unbelievable 用incredible, souvenir 用local products 来代替。第二,搭配使用准确,比如by contrast, in comparison, 务必记准。第三,所用词颜值一定要高,即用高中阶段比较高大上的词和短语。比如流行用sth catches on,  吸引用sth appeals to sb, 补偿用compensate for, 激起用inspire 或者stir up. 没有把握的同学再看一下龚露老师秋季写作讲义上的牛词土词大比拼还有龚露后期为大家总结的5大领域中英式表达。
第三,如果卷子难度很大,没有做完,你务必要这么安慰自己:“难大家都难,我只需要把我会的题目做对即可!” 考完一科忘一科啊!切忌和同学考完对答案!

