运用歌谣激发学生英语学习兴趣 发布时间:2019-08-13 12:18:18

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Project Title:
Arousing Students' Interests in
English Learning by Applying Ballads
DiaoLi ping
Jiangjin Radio & TV University
Submitted on 10th otc 2008
In fulfillment of the course
Practical Project Design
Thanks my Teacher Luo Genghis rigorous careful and meticulous attitude has been an example in my work and study. He teaches us with skill and patience which gives me the inexhaustible inspiration. Thank Mrs. Zhang. Every piece of this paper' cannot leave her careful instruction. Their open and bright individuality and tolerant manners help me to be able complete the project smoothly.,And thank the school for providing good search condition for me. Thank my classmates. For three years study, they give me the care in my life c and the help in my study. The project will soon be completed and my mood is unable to be calm, from the start end, so many respectable division commanders schoolmates, and friends have given me the help. Please accept my sincere gratitude here!
摘 要
本篇研究报告详细论述了在英语词汇教学中运用歌谣提升小学生学习兴趣和词汇记忆效率。词汇教学是小学英语教学的一个重要组成部分。在进行这部分教学时, 要针对小学生的身心特点,,努力激发学生的学习兴趣, 培植情感, 使词汇教学既充满快乐。教师通过创设鲜活的语境来引导学生的英语思维、拓宽思维的空间和引发学生的奇思妙想, 使词汇教学充满智慧,另外,学习需要强烈的学习兴趣。当学生喜欢学、想学、有迫切的学习愿望时, 就会自觉、积极地投入到学习中去, 从而使英语教学活动活跃。而学生的学习动机取决教师的教学艺术,对小学生而言, 培养学习兴趣是最重要的。笔者通过一系列为期四周的英语词汇教学具体方法的探索和实践,有效改善了课堂沉闷氛围,在提高学生单词记忆效率的同时更激发了学生英语词汇学习的兴趣。课后得出数据和调查结论研究结果证明,通过一系列的课堂交际法能够使学生真正融入课堂,提高上课效率,激发学习兴趣。但该教学实践未能取得圆满结果,仍有小部分学生对此会学习不感兴趣,该研究还需要进一步探索。
关键词: 小学英语; 词汇教学;学习兴趣;歌谣; 趣味
This project of research report show to apply ballads to the teaching English vocabulary teaching, to improve the primary school students’ interests of learning and efficiency of memorizing new words. Vocabulary teaching plays a significant role in primary school English Teaching. When going through this part of teaching, we need to aim at the characteristics of the students physically and psychologically, to put efforts in blazing their study interests, and to cultivate their emotion. In order to fulfill the teaching with joy and pleasure, the teachers need to, via creating lively context, induct the English thinking of students, to develop and broaden their thoughts, as well as to spark out their curiosity and imagination, so as to make the vocabulary teaching abound in wisdom. Besides, intense interest is essential in study. When the students enjoy, want, and have an urgent desire for the process of learning, they would then devote themselves into the learning intuitively and actively, accordingly, rendering the teaching activities of English greater excitement. Nevertheless, the motive students have for learning depends on the art of the teaching that teachers bear. For the students’ part, the cultivation of their interests matters the most. Through a series 4-week-duration of study and practices for the teaching method of English vocabulary, the tedious atmosphere exists in class before have turned joyful, to some extend, and during the process of improving the efficiency of memorizing words, students interests have been deeply stimulated. By the statistics and the facts the survey after class provide, it’s proved that communicative approach in class enables students get involved in the class entirely, have class more efficiently and be inspiringly interested. However, this teaching approach haven’t been able
to get satisfactory achievement, for still there would be a more proportion of students who may not have interests in the learning. Therefore, this research entails further exploration.
Keywords: Primary School English, Vocabulary Teaching, Interests of Learning, Ballads, Interestingness
Abstract (in Chinese)
Abstract (in English)
1. Introduction
2. Problem analysis
3. Possible Solutions
4. Project Hypotheses
5. Project Rationale
6. Research Design
6.1. Subjects
6.2 Procedure
6.3. Followed principle
7. Project Implementation
7.1 Activate the atmosphere by ballads.
7.2 Memorize new words by ballads
7.3 Enlarge vocabulary by ballads
7.4Memorize sentences by ballads
8. Data analysis
9 .Conclusion
10. References
Arousing Students' Interests in English Learning
by Applying Ballads
Vocabulary is the basis of language. It’s one of three elements of language. Certain capacity of vocabulary is foundation of all the practical activities of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, etc. Vivid and high efficient vocabulary teaching cultivates of studying habit and helps the students memorize vocabulary with correctness. Mastery of spelling skills is necessary conditions for students to improve their English. Among all parts of primary school English Teaching in class, vocabulary teaching is of the greatest importance. Without vocabulary, no concepts can be expressed, and with limited vocabulary, thinking exchange is bound to be hampered. The bigger vocabulary students master, the stronger ability they possess in putting language into good application.
As we know, basic teaching approach includes grammar translation method, direct method, audio-lingual approach, audio-visual approach, cognitive approach, communicative language teaching (CLT) or functional approach. Among them, communicative language teaching (CLT) or Functional approach applies best to Primary School Teaching. Therefore, the subject of this research is to arouse students’ interests in Vocabulary learning, and to improve the efficiency of memorizing words, by the practice of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) or Functional approach through application of ballads.
Problem analysis
As is known to all, interest is the best teacher. And teacher is the who cultivate and instruct the interests of student. Right now, I’m teaching a class with 34 students from grade 3. I found that some of the students in my class tend to be absent-minded (a few of them even fall asleep).They fail to take an active part study. They seldom raise their hands to respond my questions and can not do the dictation work correctly. They are always in a low spirit and the mood. They are much afraid of difficulty. The students in primary school stage should be strongly capable of imitating, and memorizing, and seem to be poor in understanding and self-control. The method of Vocabulary Teaching is dull and monotonous. It leads to the oppression in class and the low efficiency for the students memorizing the words.
Firstly, through inquiry, I conclude out the reason students fail to take an active part in the activities in class, and through surveys, the present problems students have are as follows:
A Lack of interests in learning English.
B Mistaking themselves as without accurate memory, being not able to answer the teacher.
C Fear for losing face because of giving wrong answers.
D Monotonous design of activities in class, rendering few chances for students to participate in, and atmosphere in class being too serious, with which students being afraid of speaking out.
Possible Solutions
Due to the factors mentioned above, through a hard studying of teaching methods, according to the present situation and the characteristics of students, a 4-week period of practical activities of Communicative Approach in class is carried out, which aims to improve the students’ interest in English learning as well as the efficiency to memorize the English words.
Solution devise
A:Change the teaching method of mere teaching of pronunciation and meanings of the words repeatedly. Use ballads and games and curiously mutual way of associating memory, focus on students’ position of being centered, and stimulate the activity of attending class when devise specific assignments.
B:Apply a cooperative way of learning. Activate the atmosphere in class by prompt cooperative learning of students and reduce the pressure of learning. The details are as follows: firstly, teachers instruct the pronunciation and explain the meaning of the words in various lively ways of teaching. Secondly, divide students into groups and then let a leading student bring along other students to do dictation to each other so as to examine their memorizing results.
C:Organizing interesting activities to motivate the students to memorize and review new words, to create the comfortable and safe classroom atmosphere .
This design of solution aims at centralize students attention, promote their interests of learning, and let students initiatively attend the activities in class and to improve their efficiency of memorizing words.
4. Project Hypotheses
Most of the students fail to take an active part in activities in class mainly because of the monotonous design of activities in class, the very few chances for student to get involved, the oppressing atmosphere in class. Considering the age factors of the students, ballad can help students memorize materials quickly and easily and thus motivate the students to learn English happily.
The teacher should do adjustment to the teaching methods used to be in class.
5. Project Rationale
To study this teacher, we found theory support after consulting some relevant reference
( 1 ) We can know from teaching methods, , or functional method. It is a systematic teaching method which, according to the function of language, cultivates the communicative ability of applying language in particular social context. Communicative approach brings forward the teaching principle of student-centered ,which includes the communication between the students and teachers as well as that among partner groups. The improvement of the comprehensive quality of teachers, creation of multilayered scenes, the fulfillment of communicative activities, the establishment of corpus of context, the reforming of the means of testing students to be overall, are required when carry out the practice of communicative approach. Therefore the mutual participation of the teachers and the students, contributes to the improvement of memory of the students. I will apply the Communicative approach in my class experimentally for one month by mainly using ballads.
( 2 ) Marx once said: “Music is the second language of human being.” Music is powerful to inspire people and to make English learning process vivid and active, students are easy to accept new things by using rhyme and rhythm, and they will be more interested in English learning. Teaching English by song is a very important educational mode.
English ballads are characterized as concise and simple, rhythm vivid, and easy to read. Add ballads into the teaching appropriately can help to create a favorable atmosphere in class, making students passionate and relaxes when acquires the knowledge of English.
6. Research Design
6.1 Subjects:In this research, 34 students of my class were tested by the method of teaching with ballads.
6.2 Procedure:This project lasts for 2 months.
6.3 Followed principle:
1. Apply the song flexibility, the ballad, the enhancement glossary teaching interest.
2. Look for the accurate word stress, the enhancement sensitivity.
3. The perceived speech intonation makes it fluent
4. Help the students memorize the knowledge through song skills,
7. Project Implementation
At the beginning of the class, I asked the students to sing “Happy Birthday To You” which they knew very well. Almost every student’s interest was aroused. And then, I raised a question, “Is there anyone who can tell us some interesting Chinese ballads ?” And then, good atmosphere for the development English teaching was established. Students raise hands actively to recite the Chinese ballads and doggerels. Naturally, I brought out the topic the class—using ballads to study English words happily.”
7.1. In Lesson 3 family, I use two ballads, Using ballads to activate the atmosphere in class. One for memorize the new words of the family number, one for extend students related vocabulary.
According to the traits of the words, categorize the words, vivid ballads are made up.After reading the ballads repeatedly, the students are divided into groups of two students sitting together at one desk. One student recites the first half part of the ballads and the other student recites out the other half part so that students are all fully familiar with the ballads.
First, to teach the new words of family by singing ballad, and blend moral education into the ballads to make a deep impression.
I put those new words on the blackboard, and ask them to read following me..
T: Do you have a family?
S: Yes!
T: How do you call them?
S: I don’t know.
T: OK! Please follow me.
爷爷爷爷grandpa, grandpa的胡子白花花;
奶奶奶奶grandma, grandma忙了一辈子;
爸爸爸爸是father, father要求挺严的;
妈妈妈妈是mother, mother辛苦为了家;
姐姐妹妹sister, sister的眼睛圆又大’
哥哥弟弟brother, brother有时不听话’
互尊互爱同欢乐, 幸福家庭你我他。
T: OK, class, all of you did a wonderful joy, and your voices are so sweet.
I want to know more about your family. What ‘s your family? That means what’s your family’s job. Please follow me.
teacher, teacher 是老师,teacher的要求挺严厉.
driver, driver是司机,driver 开车要仔细.
doctor, doctor是医生,doctor的医术很神奇.
nurse, nurse是护士!,护士nurse是天使.
clown, clown是小丑!,小丑clown好演技.
Make sure that all the student get this ballad, I try to broaden the size of family. At same time, blend moral education into the ballads, so as to enrich the connotation of the teaching. For example, to cultivate children love for families and the conscious of respect the elders, I make up a ballad as follows:
T: We have our own family member, how about the animals?
S: They have a big family.
T: Do you want to know them?
S: Yes!
动物园zoo里真热闹! 让我们进去瞧一瞧,
Cat, cat是小猫,小猫cat 喵喵叫;.
bird, bird是小鸟,小鸟bird飞得高.
熊猫panda是国宝! 猴子monkey树上跳’
When explaining this ballad to the children, I told them animals and human beings are friends but the excessive killing of animals and damage towards the environment, and a huge number of wild animals are nearly extinct. Therefore, it’s important to protect animals. In this way, through the recitation of this vivid ballad, the students can not only remember the words firmly, but also know the importance of protecting animals and cherishing the nature. This would offer a better effect compared with the simple way of teaching.
7.2 Enlarge vocabulary by ballads
In My Favorite Season in Unit Two ,in order to remenber the new words and review the weather. I use the following ballad.
Spring,spring, spring.
It's warm,warm,warm.( Makes the movement)
It's hot,hot,hot. ( Makes the movement)
It's cool,cool,cool. ( Makes the movement)
It's cold,cold,cold. ( Makes the movement)
There are four seasons
Then, spring from the topic “season”, I talked about the weather condition in different countries. For example, Englishmen always bring an umbrella when they are outdoor because the weather there is rainy and foggy all the time. American sunny coast is very warm and comfortable, many people no matter old and young go there for rest and vocation.
In the rest class, I won’t teach any lessons on the book. I hold a competition---WHO IS THE BALLAD QUEEN AND KING.
Ten little Indian boys
One (一) little, two (二) little, three (三) little Indians (印第安人),
four (四) little, five (五) little, six (六) little Indians,
seven (七) little, eight (八) little, nine (九) little Indians,
ten (十) little Indian boys (男孩).
Ten little, nine little, eight little Indians,
seven little, six little, five little Indians,
four little, three little, two little Indians,
one little Indian boy.
One little, two little, three little fingers (手指),
four little, five little, six little fingers,
seven little, eight little, nine little fingers,
ten fingers on your hands (手).
Ten little, nine little, eight little fingers,
seven little, six little, five little fingers,
four little, three little, two little fingers,
one finger on your hand.
We learned the phrase fly a kite, I teach them a ballad called fly my nice kite .
fly my nice kite
fly , fly very high ,
high up to the sky.
Up and down,
Run and run,
We are so happy to fly a kite.
We learned the word bridge, I teach them to sing London bridge.
When I teach I’m watching TV in Unit Five. I have broadcast this kind of section of flash the nursery song:
When learning apple, I teach them the song apple red , apple round.
Teaching with ballads at the right time and place is good for memorizing new words in a relaxed and happy atmosphere. But the amount of the ballad should be proper.
7.3Amuse the children by making them speak out the words in the form of ballads with movements.
In Lesson 4 Our Body, I use the ballads below.
To activate the primary school English teaching, it needs to be vivid. Therefore, when we are making up the ballads, we need to take children’s nature for moving into account and add activities into ballads.
I made up a ballad as follows:
T: Come on ,class! Today we will learn something new with your energy, just speak out and applaud loudly!
啪啪啪!啪啪啪!(The children clap head)
Head head是脑瓜! 脑瓜head顶呱呱(clap your head)
啪啪啪!啪啪啪nose nose是鼻子!
nose的作用真是大(Refers to own nose)
啪啪啪!啪啪啪mouth mouth是嘴巴!
mouth吹起了小喇叭(Two make the loudspeaker shape)
啪啪啪!啪啪啪ear ear是耳朵! ear耳朵动一下(Moves the ear)
啪啪啪!啪啪啪eyes eyes是眼睛!
眼睛eyes眨又眨(winks the eye)
锵锵锵!锵锵锵hand hand是手掌!
手掌 hand细又长(Gesticulates own hand)
锵锵锵!锵锵锵arms arms是胳膊,
arms胳膊壮又壮(The arm makes the powerful appearance)
锵锵锵!锵锵锵leg leg 是大腿!
大腿leg粗又胖(Both hands gesticulate their thigh)
锵锵锵!锵锵锵foot foot是脚丫!
脚丫foot走四方(Two finger imitation walks)
After I taught them how to sing this song , I called two students to act it out as well as they sing .When they become familiar with this song, I taught more new words to them, and I ask students to change the parts of body, and let them compete with each other, who memorize those new words most quickly will get the reward.
In this way, children learn the ballads by using their hands and mouths, and whose interest has been largely aroused. Keep the children move constantly so as to master up words.
7.4 Ballads make it easy to memorize sentences..
In the second class, When I taught the text What Can you do? ( Unit3 Grade Three ) I used ballads to warm up.
At the beginning, I make a conversation with the students.
T: What can you do?
S: I can play basketball.
T: Can you sing?
S: Yes, I can. (Appearing splendidly):
T: Can you sing an English song?
S: Yes, I can.
T: So can you sing an English song for us now?
The voice has not fallen, a warm applause resounded in the classroom .This student opened the mouth and sang an English song (Actually I teach him privately).
What do you like?
What do you like?
I like pears! I like pears!
Here you are!
Here you are!
Thank you!
Thank you!
After the boy sang this song, I avail this opportunity to teach them another new song.
“Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Mummy finger, mummy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Brother finger, brother finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Sister finger, sister finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Baby finger, baby finger, where are you?
Here I am, her I am. How do you do?
Monkey, Monkey, What Are You Doing?
Mr. Bear, Mr. Bear, what are you doing?
I’m dancing, dancing, dancing. Cha, cha, cha.(The lovly bear dancing)
Miss Rabbit, Miss Rabbit, what are you doing?
I’m hopping, hopping, hopping. Hop, hop, hop.(Small rabbit jumps jumps)
Mr Monkey, Mr. Monkey, what are you doing?
I’m crying, crying, crying. Boo, hoo, hoo.(The monkey crying)
The self-confident singing sound filled the classroom and the other students cheer for once more. At the moment, the noisy classroom soon becomes quiet, students being deeply fascinated by the vivid animation involuntarily, some even singing to the melody. Simply, the students get attracted into the class teaching from the lively activities so that a fine atmosphere is created for the achievement of the teaching tasks.
Through out the whole 45-minute class teaching, it’s really hard to keep students concentrated, especially when the teaching contents are relatively tough and tedious which render the class atmosphere boring and the students inactive mentally. In contrast, intensely rhythmic songs can give adjustment to the monotonous paces in class, dispelling the weariness in study, letting students possibly learn things with cheerful melody so that again being able to focus their attention.
8. Data analysis
In my class only 63% of the students show interest in English .
In the process of self-assessment, only 2 students who account for 5% of the whole class consider they could take part in the activities in class forwardly(basically in accordance with the teacher’s observation and estimate).
7 Students who account 25% of the whole class are afraid of losing face when making wrong answers
16 students consider they can’t remember things accurately when answering the teacher.
65% of the students point out that it’s too tedious when having class so that they may get distracted unconsciously
From the table below, we can see more clearly that the students’ feeling changed after the application of the new designed learning procedures.
(1)Students’ attitude to English class
Table1 ---comparison of students’ interest in learning English
Degree of interest |
Like a lot |
like |
Like a little |
Not like |
Before the research |
5% |
60% |
25% |
12% |
After the research |
20% |
71% |
6% |
3% |
Figure1 ---- comparison of students’ interest in learning English

From this figure, we can see 91% of the subjects liked learning English. The number of the students who were interested in English increased by 26%. This to a certain extent implies that using ballads in vocabulary teaching really contributed to students’ interests and efficiency .
(2) students’ attitude to teaching new words by ballads
Pie chart 1---- students’ attitudes on the functions of ballad

From this picture, we can see that half of the students think the function of ballad is useful.
1/4 of students think this method is useful.
Only 1/8 of the students think it’s a little useful.
1/8 of the students think it’s not useful.
All in all, teaching English new words with ballad is widely accepted by students.
Data from Tests.
The result of the test( words dictation).

This chart tells us that the rate of passing in English words dictation has been enormously improved.
The rate of passing increased by 9%, and rate of excellence increased by 21%, while the rate of no passing decreased from 17% to 8%.
That’s to say, this experiment is effective.
9. Conclusion
Get the conclusions through inquiry.
Most students prefer the teaching that now was modified. Among them,89% of the students are satisfied. 78% of the students consider the atmosphere are becoming more active and relaxed. 93% of the students said that they have more chances in class and greater activity.
From the observation record, only 5—6 students speak out. But now, most of the students make speech during cooperative study, and then the atmosphere have been activated.
Teachers’ logs record many examples of students attending activities. Students especially who appeared to be shy previously try for speaking out when doing cooperative study and self-selected reading.
Through collecting the statistics, it can be seen that the project has achieved satisfactory results—more students attend activities in class and the atmosphere in class got more relaxed and harmonious as well as the relationship between teacher and students. But there are still some weak points in the plan, for most the students study under the supervision from others, thus they tend to become dependent towards the only 45-minute short-term class, so that overlook the self-study after class. Therefore, when activates the atmosphere in class, the teacher also impart some skills of remembering words. Besides, teaching problems from grammar are not dealt with. In fact, function part can’t substitute the traditional knowledge of grammar. Emphasis for the only study for use but not usage won’t actually work, in spite of the affection from the cultivation of consciousness towards the cultivation of the capability.
10. References
[2]陆喜文教育教学论文网,英语论文一让英治课堂“ 活”起来,2003.
[3]王小乐,英语论文——浅谈优化小学英语词汇教学途径 ,2007.
[4] 张莺//付丽萍,小学英语教学法/小学英语教师继续教育丛书,东北师范大学出版社。