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中考英语作文:范文背诵 发布时间:2019-08-04 20:01:12
1. After three years' staying together, you will say goodbye to your teachers soon. You must have much to say to your teachers.
We want to know:
  • what you want to say to your English teacher most
  • why you want to say so
  • what you want to tell her about your future plan
要求: ·词数:6080        ·不要出现真实的人名和校名
范文:  Dear Ms Guo,
   How time flies! Three years has passed! I want to say” thank you” most at the moment when I have to say goodbye to you.
  I really appreciate what you have done for me. I used to be too shy to speak English in front of the class. You found my problems and helped me out. I can still remember your smile on the day when I won the first prize in the English speech contest. It was you who gave me a lot of confidence.
I have a dream of going to Beijing University one day. Though it is hard for me, I am sure your love will encourage me to achieve it.
2) 在初中三年的学习生活中,你一定遇到过很多老师,现在请你选择其中对你帮助最大的一位老师,给他()写一封感谢信,谈谈你对他()的印象,回忆一下他()是怎么帮助你的,并表达你对他()的祝福。信的开头和落款已给出,不计词数。
提示词:kind, help, encourage, thanks, hope
Dear Miss Wang,
  I’m glad to write to you. At this moment, words can no longer express my feelings.
  How kind and responsible can a teacher be? You just gave me the perfect answer. I can clearly remember the days when I was not good at English. I was so upset that I wanted to give up. As soon as you noticed this, you offered to help me by giving me some advice on how to learn it. You kept encouraging me even when I made only a little progress. It was your encouragement that gave me confidence. I began to take an interest in English and I made great progress . I even took part in the English Speech Contest.
 So I really want to say thanks to you. I will work harder in the future to live up to your expectations. I hope you can be happy and healthy forever.
3) 同学们,三年的学习生活即将结束,你一定有很多值得回忆的故事。一次老师的鼓励,一次同伴的帮助,一次父母的支持……都能让我们学会勇敢面对生活的挑战和考验。某杂志现在向大家征稿,希望能把你印象深刻的故事分享给大家。请你写一篇80词左右的短文,内容必须包括以下要点:
What problems did you meet before in your study or life?
How did your parents / teachers / friends / … help you out?
If others are in trouble, what will you do to help?
During the past 3 years, I have met some problems in my study. They made me really upset and even give up. It’s my teachers and friends that helped me out.
I used to fail math tests very often but my math teacher, Ms Li, was really patient to me. She encouraged me to do more exercises and taught me to regard the difficulties as challenges. I followed what he said and with her help, I made great progress.
In my heart, she is the light of my life. I will never forget her. If you are in trouble, just come to me and I will also try my best to help you.
4) 我们正在建设“美丽中国”。在当今社会涌现出了“最美妈妈”、“最美司机”、“最美教师”、“最美乡村医生”……你们学校也正在举行“最美中学生”的评选活动,你心目中的“最美中学生”是谁呢?他/她有怎样的感人事迹?我们又该做些什么才能成为最美中学生呢?请根据下列三个提示要点写一篇短文:
·Who do you think is the most beautiful student?
·Please tell us a beautiful story about him or her.
·What is a teenager supposed to do?
       In my eyes, my best friend Li Ming can be chosen as the most beautiful student of our school. Not only is he hard-working, but also he is very kind-hearted.
Li Ming volunteers his free time to help disabled children in the City Orphanage for about three years. Once I followed him to go to the orphanage. That day I saw many warm pictures. He played games with the disabled children. He read books to them. He gave out the presents that he himself bought to them. Tears came into my eyes when I heard the children call him “elder brother”.
As a teenager, we should be good students at school. We should be parents’   helpers at home. In the neighborhood, we should try to put our love to good use by protecting our environment and being volunteers. I wish I can become one of the most beautiful students like my best friend, Li Ming.
The true beauty doesn’t mean if you are good-looking. In fact, it depends on your personalities and the things you have done. . In my opinion, the most beautiful student is my best friend, Li Ming.
    Li Ming is such a warm-hearted person that nearly all my classmates like him. Once when I was on my way to school, my bike suddenly broke down and I couldn’t fix it well at once. I was so anxious because I might be late for school. Then Li Ming dropped in on me and asked if he could offer help. He fixed up my bike in a short time, so that I was able to rush to school. Thanks to his kindness, I just made it to my class. I appreciated his help greatly. 
A student like Li Ming makes the school life colorful. I think teenagers are not only supposed to work hard, but also give their hands to others who are in trouble. If all the students can do so, our school life won’t be boring any more and it will become more and more beautiful. 
5网上交友已经成为当今学生生活的一部分。请以“Making Friends Online”为题,谈谈你对网上交友利与弊的看法。开头语已给出。 
Making Friends Online
优秀范文:Nowadays, making friends online has been part of students’ life. Students like to make friends online because they can have much fun. For instance, they can learn about the world by communicating with friends online, and they are also interested in understanding their friends better and know more about each other.    The most important thing is that they can share happiness and problems in this way.
But every coin has two sides. Making friends online usually waste much of students’ time. They spend a lot of time chatting with friends so it gets in the way of their study. Besides, some people don’t tell the truth online, it will be dangerous for students if they believe them.
 In my opinion, it is good for students to make friends online, but they should know how to do it in a right way. The most important thing for us is to study hard after all!
Hello, everyone! Let me tell you a story happened to Mr Wang.
    One day, Mr Wang’s father was badly ill in bed. While Mr Wang was reading a newspaper in a sofa at home, his father said to him weakly, “My dear son, please buy some medicine for me, I feel terrible.” But he answered impatiently, “I can’t do that. There is something wrong with the lift.” The father sighed sadly and he couldn’t say anything. Mr Wang went on reading.
A moment later, Mr Wang’s son came back home in a hurry. He asked Mr Wang to buy some drinks for him. When the father heard this, He rushed downstairs as quickly as possible with the words “I will be back soon.”
After reading the story, What do you think of Mr Wang? I think he is a good father but not a good son. Maybe his son will be like him in the future. Just like the saying goes, “Like father, like son.” Don’t you think so?
7):汾河公园是太原人休闲放松的好去处,请你根据下表中人们以前和现在行为的变化,以‘behave well in our daily life’为题,用英语写一篇短文,并谈谈你的感受。
以前 现在
四处乱扔杂物 废物入箱
摘花毁树,伤害动物 保护植物,关爱动物
随处抽烟,乱涂乱画 人人禁烟,保护环境
1. 短文应包括所给内容要点,可适当发挥,使文章连贯;
2. 字数80左右,书面整洁,短文开头已给出,不计入总字数;
3. 不得提及考生所在学校及自己的姓名;
4. 参考词汇:行为,举止:behave
                        Behave Well in Our Daily Life
 Fenhe Park is a good place for people to relax. Every day many people come here to play and exercise. But a few years ago,_______________________________________________________
优秀范文:          Behave Well in Our Daily Life
Fenhe Park is a good place for people to relax. Every day many people come here to play and exercise. But a few years ago, it was quite different. It used to be very dirty because people threw litter everywhere. Now, you can’t see rubbish here and there. It is “lying” in the dustbin. In the past, people picked up the flowers and they even hurt animals. But you can see many beautiful flowers and hear birds singing when you walk through the park at the moment. What a great change! People are trying to make the park a better place to relax themselves. They plant more trees and animals have a new “home” to live in. More and more people give up smoking and nobody will draw on the wall. Fenhe Park has really become a wonderful place for our citizens to have fun.
As students in Taiyuan. I think it is our duty to protect our environment. We are supposed to do something. For example, We can be a volunteer to clean up the park on weekends. Also, we can call on the people to behave well in our daily life. If we can do, I believe our life will be better than ever. Do you agree with me?
8) 初中生活即将结束,它一定给你留有深刻的印象,请以“My Middle School Life”  为题,写一篇英语文段,内容包括:
  • Do you like your middle school life?
  • Can you tell us a story that impressed you most?
  • What do you think of your school life?
My Middle School Life
How time flies! Three years has passed since I came to this school. At the moment, I find it is hard for me to say goodbye to my teachers and classmates. I like my middle school life very much.
I still remember the first day I came to school. Everything was new to me. I was full of curiosity but I felt a little nervous. When I saw the smile on my teachers’ faces and my friendly classmates, I suddenly fell in love with my new class. How I missed my old days we spent together! My teachers often encouraged me to work hard and my friends helped me with my lessons. We were busy but happy every day. I have improved myself a lot during the past three years.
Now, it is time to leave. Graduation is coming. But the colorful school life crowds my mind all the time. I can’t forget my middle school life forever! Those good memories will be a great deal of treasure in my life. 
Protect the environment
9) 写作任务:环境是我们生存的基础,而各种环境问题却使我们的生活陷入了困境。因此保护环境是我们每个人义不容辞的责任。请从自己身边的小事做起,携手保护我们生存的环境。(字数8 0词)
Please tell us:
  • Why we have to protect the environment
  • how we are going to improve our environment
Protect the environment
Environment problems are more and more serious today. Protecting our environment and caring for our earth is a worldwide topic. If we don’t want to do it now, maybe one day We will have no clean water to drink because of water pollution; Animals will disappear because of no trees or food. There will be more and more dirty smoke in the air. People's health will be greatly affected. In order to live a better life, it is our duty to save our only planet—the earth. But what can we do?
There are some little things we can do in our daily life. For example, we can turn off the lights when we leave the classroom in order to save electricity. We shouldn’t throw away rubbish everywhere. And we should recycle, reduce and reuse things, for it can saves money and reduces pollution. Besides these, use our own paper bags or baskets instead of plastic bags when shopping. It is a great way to show your love to the earth. Because plastic things may cause “white pollution”. Other than that, we can go to school by bike or on foot. In this way, Not only can we do sports to keep healthy, but also it can provide less traffic jam. And the last way is to plant more trees to “decorate” our earth.
No matter how little a man’s ability is, the environment will become better and better step by step if we try doing these things all the time.
10)  写作任务:  请以“My pleasant trip”为题, 写一篇英语短文,内容包含:
  • Where did you travel?
  • Why did you think it was pleasant?
  • What do you think of traveling?
范文:                   My Pleasant Trip
    For your vacation, why not consider visiting Jiuzhaigou? Jiuzhaigou is a really good place to go sightseeing. I went there last summer and it was my most pleasant trip.
Before the trip, I had heard it was a fairyland on the earth and it was famous for its water.  It was one of the most famous travel spotlights in China. When I got there, the clear water, blue sky and high mountains caught my eyes. I was amazed and shocked. It was so beautiful that I couldn’t believe if it was a real world. I fell in love with its wonderful beauty at once. It was no wonder that many people from China and abroad said that it was the most beautiful place in China. And I spent happy days enjoying beautiful sights and eating delicious food. I even wouldn’t like to leave.
In my opinion, travelling can not only make us relaxed, but also let us know the outside world. We can open up our eyes and learn a lot from travelling. So I love traveling.

